Physiology of the Soul - or, if you like it better, - Neurons & Soul

When you look at the stars, when you think of infinity, you realize that something in you is greater, infinitely greater than all the matter that constitutes your body can contain, than all the neurons that constitute your brain can account for.
Poetry is not contained in the words, and music is not in the violin strings that vibrate.
But words can make you cry, and shiver and laugh. And air that vibrates in the saxophone can create music.

Let us then try and imagine how the billions of neurons in the brain and their tireless activity are able to create logics, emotions, will and fantasy. And passion, desire, sense of beauty and justice. And that clear perception that something within us transcends ourselves: that consciousness and longing for infinity that we love calling “soul”.

This text aims at scientific correctness. Indeed, it tries to be extremely scientific. The never confessed but inexorable rule that has always guided scientific research is as follows: “between two interpretations of experimental data the right one, the true one, the one to be defended even in the face of torture, must be the more beautiful one”.
Thus, I tried and go further, beyond, as far as possible, along this road, in search for a truth that be not only beautiful, a truth that approached as closely as possible music and poetry.
Poetry – an ambitious target, is not it? But, given the topic, how could one content with less?

Riccardo Fesce - all rights reserved (if you are an interested publisher or agent send a mail)
all the material herein is protected by copyright laws and cannot be reproduced without the explicit permission of the author
If you make use of material herein for a lecture, article or class/lesson of yours, please let me know
July 6, 2008